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Folder Size in Explorer

Folder size in Explorer

When you want to see the size of folders, you no longer need to right click and select the Properties option one-by-one for each folder! DiskView makes them instantly available to you via the DiskView columns right within Windows Explorer.

DiskView column handlers show the 'content size' of folders in the details view of Windows Explorer. The 'DiskView Size' column shows the actual size occupied on disk by a folder and all its files and sub-folders. The 'Relative size' column shows the folder size distribution graphically, providing a rough but quick estimate of folder space distribution. Identifying big folders that occupy a lot of disk space becomes a snap with the 'Relative Size' column handler. The columns can be sorted by size by just clicking on the column-header.

Enabling the DiskView Column Handlers

DiskView Column handlers can be configured individually for specific folders or for all folders at once. On Windows XP and higher, just right click on the column header in the details view of Windows Explorer and click on the More... menu option. Now select the DiskView Size and Relative Size columns from the 'Choose Details' window. The columns will be enabled for the current folder. The procedure for enabling the column handlers on Windows 2000 and Windows NT is similar.

To apply the same settings for all folders:
1. Select Tools > Folder Options
2. Select the View tab
3. Press Apply to All Folders button
4. Press the OK button to apply the settings to all folders.

If Windows Explorer does not remember your settings and restores the folder view on various folders, it may be because it has reached its limit of remembering folder settings.
In that case, press the Reset All Folders button, customize and Apply to All Folders again. If the settings are not saved, you could 'Increase Folder View Options Limit' (Line 2 on http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm)


Click on the 'DiskView Size' or 'Relative Size' column headers to sort the files and folders based on their content size. Files and Folders are sorted based on their 'size on disk'. Files are grouped separately from folders after sorting - with both groups sorted individually.


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